P.O. BOX 368 - HAZEL GREEN, WI 53811 - PH 608.854.2261 - FAX 608.854.2305
Southwestern's High School Physical Education Program encourages an active lifestyle with enjoyment for physical movement. The curricula emphasis is lifetime activities and health fitness. Because many teens are already becoming sedentary, the high school years are critical for encouraging movement. There is a vast menagerie of lifetime leisure sports, in addition to, a variety of health fitness units throughout this level.
The curriculum is organized into several tracts. There is an underclassmen tract and an upperclassmen tract. The underclassmen tract is planned for freshmen and sophomores with the upperclassmen tract planned for juniors and seniors. Within each tract there is designed an even year and an odd year. Thus, the curriculum offers four years of sequential motor experiences. Freshmen, sophomores, and juniors are required to participate in physical education. Seniors may elect the course.
Ninth & Tenth Grades
This coursework is required at both of these grade levels with first semester (.25 credit) and second semester (.25 credit) for each year earning .5 credit.
Ninth and tenth grade physical education classes emphasize skill development, team sports, physical fitness, and recreational sports. Team sports include flag football, volleyball, basketball, team handball, badminton, pickle ball, softball, soccer, and lacrosse. Recreational sports include golf, archery, tennis, bowling, cross country skiing, and recreational activities. Physical fitness units include aerobic conditioning and weight training.
Eleventh & Twelfth Grades
This coursework is required in eleventh grade and elective in twelfth grade. The first semester earns .25 credit and the second semester .25 credit for each year earning .5 credit.
Eleventh and twelfth grade physical education emphasis is lifetime sport activities and cardiovascular fitness. Lifetime units are golf, recreational games, cross country skiing, tennis, archery, and bowling. Fitness units include aerobic conditioning and weight training. Other units include flag football, volleyball, team handball, badminton, self defense, and softball.